The 2020/2021 NOFNEC Planning Committee members are:
- Andrea Habinski, Keewaytinook Okimakanak;
- Bea Rodh, Mamaweswen Tribal Council;
- Breann Morgan, Windigo First Nations Council;
- Carla Koski, Pwi-Di-Goo-Zing Ne-Yaa-Zhing Advisory Services;
- Erica Tropea, Nokiiwin Tribal Council;
- Kristin Cawley, Independent First Nations Alliance;
- Laura Sayers, Shibogama First Nations Council;
- Lindsey Jupp, Matawa First Nations management;
- Naomi Mandamin, United Chiefs and Councils of Mnidoo Mnising.
2021 brings new way of doing things so like everyone else we are going virtual. Stay tuned for updates. Until we can meet again, stay safe friends and family!