Presented by:
Dr. Taylor Scarr & David Copplestone, MNR & Forestry
Forest Insects: Look Who’s Eating Now
The presentation will provide an overview of the major forest insects that are feeding on our trees, with an emphasis on invasive species that threaten the natural forests. Highlights include the forest tent caterpillar outbreak in northwestern Ontario, the beginnings of a spruce budworm outbreak, and threats posed by mountain pine beetle, emerald ash borer, and Asian long-horned beetle.
Aquatic Invaders
The presentation will provide an overview of aquatic invasive species in Ontario including four species of concern: Round Goby, Phragmites, Bythotrephes, and Asian Carps. David will also share some tips on how to prevent their spread, and describe invasive species reporting tools that are available to help people report sightings in their communities.